WorkflowBuilder Class Documentation


The WorkflowBuilder class facilitates the creation and management of a multi-step workflow with customizable steps. Each step of the workflow is associated with a “continue” action and a graphical user interface (GUI) view. This class abstracts the complexity of handling transitions between workflow steps and provides an intuitive way to construct workflows by sequentially adding steps.

Creating Workflow Steps

Each step of the workflow is added using the addNode method. The method takes the following parameters:

  • continueAction: A callable representing the action to be performed when the “continue” button is clicked for that step.

  • subview: A widget representing the GUI element of the step. This view is typically displayed to the user to gather input or display information.

  • name: (Optional) A string describing the name or purpose of the step. This name serves as an identifier for the step and is displayed to the user.

The continueAction parameter defines the behavior to execute when the “continue” button associated with the step is clicked. This allows custom actions to be executed before transitioning to the next step.

Building and Executing the Workflow

After adding all the desired steps using addNode, the workflow can be built using the build method, which returns a Workflow instance encapsulating the configured workflow.

The resulting workflow can then be executed using various methods provided by the Workflow class, including starting the workflow and navigating through its steps.

Creating Workflow Widgets Easily

To create workflow widgets easily, follow these steps:

  1. Import the necessary classes:

from snapred.ui.workflow.WorkflowBuilder import WorkflowBuilder
  1. Define the “continue” action for each step as a callable function that performs the required logic when the step is completed.

  2. Create the subview widgets for each step. These widgets can be existing GUI elements or custom views designed for each step.

  3. Instantiate a WorkflowBuilder instance and use the addNode method to add steps to the workflow. Provide the “continue” action and subview widget for each step.

  4. Build the workflow using the build method.

  5. Execute the workflow using the provided methods to guide users through the defined steps.

Example Usage

Here’s a simple example of how the WorkflowBuilder class can be used to create and manage a multi-step workflow with custom steps:

from snapred.ui.workflow.WorkflowBuilder import WorkflowBuilder
from snapred.ui.view import DiffcalRequestView, DiffCalAssessmentView, DiffCalSaveView

class WorkflowExample(QWidget):
    def __init__(self):
        self.workflow = (
            .addNode(self.calibration_reduction_action, DiffCalRequestView(), "Calibrating")
            .addNode(self.assess_calibration_action, DiffCalAssessmentView(), "Assessing")
            .addNode(self.save_calibration_action, DiffCalSaveView(), "Saving")
        self.responses = {}

    def calibration_reduction_action(self, workflowPresenter):
        view = workflowPresenter.widget.tabView
        # pull field from view
        inputs = view.getFieldText("inputs")

        print("Calibrating with inputs:", inputs)
        self.responses['calibration'] = {"runNumber": "123"}

    def assess_calibration_action(self, workflowPresenter):
        view = workflowPresenter.widget.tabView
        # pull field from view
        inputs = view.getFieldText("inputs")
        print("Assessing calibration with inputs:", inputs)
        previous_response = self.responses.get('calibration', {})
        self.responses['assessment'] = {"assessmentResult": "Pass", **previous_response}

    def save_calibration_action(self, workflowPresenter):
        view = workflowPresenter.widget.tabView
        # pull field from view
        inputs = view.getFieldText("inputs")
        print("Saving calibration with inputs:", inputs)
        previous_response = self.responses.get('assessment', {})
        # Perform saving logic using previous_response

    def widget(self):
        return self.workflow.presenter.widget

# Create an instance of the WorkflowExample class
example = WorkflowExample()